The Benefits of Co-Washing

Happy Monday Naturalistas!!! Do you co- wash? Well I love co- washing as well as washing with shampoo, but I thought you guys would like to know about the benefits of co- washing.

So washing with no shampoo, some people may think gross right? Nope not at all! Co- washing is great for your hair. You can still  use conditioner to cleanse your scalp and get the same results that you would if you were to wash with shampoo. Although many shampoos today are straying away from harsh ingredients such as sulfates, many still contain harsh ingredients. They will strip your hair and leave it feeling icky and hard to detangle. So co- washing has its benefits:

1. It reduces knots and tangles

2. It helps moisturize your hair, (great if you are a transitioner)

3. Great for Hydrating your scalp and hair

So I know Co-Washing is not for everyone but give it a try if you are not getting the results that you would like with shampooing. I still shampoo every week but its nice to be able to co- wash if you want to do a different style in between washing. Or however you want to co- wash 🙂 Here are some good conditioners for co washing:

1. Herbal Essences Hello Hydration

2. TREsemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture Conditioner

3. As I am Coconut cleansing Co-Wash (havent tried yet but heard it is good)

What are some other great conditioners for Co- Washing?

5 thoughts on “The Benefits of Co-Washing

  1. Carol’s Daughter has a Co-Wash Conditioner that just came out. Carol’s Daughter’s products are good for transitioning too. They have a new line just for transitioners. Carol’s Daughter products are cheaper on than the Carol’s Daughter stores or department stores. I know, I sound like a commercial! Lol =)

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